Sunday, March 30, 2008

Daylight Saving ... is gone

For now at least and what a joy it was this morning to get up in daylight, to sit with my mug of coffee and my journal and later the Sunday papers. Sadly this late in the year we won't get to enjoy this for long. In a bit over a month we will be back to getting up and coming home in the dark. The weather will still be warm enough during the day to wear summer clothes and swim but the nights will be closing in. And where will all that precious daylight we saved be? Well not stored up anywhere that we can access it.
Actually I'm more worried at this moment about the cause of the two mini blackouts we had in quick succession last night. Neither lasted long but the first was preceded by a loud, sizzling noise that seemed to come from all around me - and continued for the two or three minute duration of the two. Very odd. As a result, when everyone else was turning everything off for Earth Hour, I was working through the house checking everything to see if they still worked. They did.

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