Sunday, July 02, 2017

Doggie Fun

In my pursuit of the entertaining to offset the world's misery I bring you these links.

This video of Juju, an English bulldog, having fun rolling down a bank turned up in my Facebook Newsfeed. Aw, how cute, I thought, I'll go to YouTube and see it larger size. So I did. Even more cute.

Then I noticed that all kinds of bulldogs seem to have a lot of fun - and they love to roll. Some have a better sense of direction than others it seems but after all it's the game that counts as with this handsome fellow. They don't have to be young, either. Here's an old lady rolling herself along the beach and into the water.

And just in case you think I'm obsessed with rolling bulldogs they're not the only ones who like to roll, of course. See, this maremma is having a glorious time in the snow.

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